Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Feeling crafty. Or not.

 In case you didn't know, I am not a crafty person. The very words "craft, glue, or paint" strike fear into my heart. I would rather have my toenails yanked from their comfy cuticle beds than attempt to be involved in a craft project! My daughter, much to my chagrin, loves crafts. While they do keep her occupied, they are also taking over the house!! If you find yourself in the same boat, try this: designate a bin or container strictly for crafty items. This way your child can put them away herself and you don't have to look at the mess! Any old bin or tote will do. I understand this may not be a news flash for some of you, but as I am a foreigner in a crafty land, it has been a great help to me. Mine is pictured below. At last my soul is at peace. I no longer have to look at the offending craftiness!

*Disclaimer: If you are crafty, please do not be offended. I admire your creative genius and wish I had your gift. The world needs more of you crafty folk!


Leonora said...

We use an entire dresser for craft supplies. (It was a craft closet in our last house.) With four "crafty" daughters growing up in the house, plus myself, it tends to take over : ) It definitely helps to keep it organized. I love the white covered box you're using!

Anonymous said...

Craft material organization is a MUST! I bought one of those multi-drawer plastic towers from Sams's years ago and keep supplies in them. I also have labeled plastic drawers on our play porch shelf for craft materials (ie: felt/pipe cleaners/foam; glue/tape; Scissors/stamps; markers, etc. When we need something specific, we don't have to scrounge through bin after bin of micellaneous items!
