Thursday, September 1, 2011

Pencil it in

For you gardeners out there, a little thinking ahead can go a long way. Before your fall calender fills up, take the time to add garden-related tasks. By putting them on your calender now, not only will you remember to do the tasks, but you won't have to keep looking up what to plant and when! For example, for October I'll have:
  • plant bulbs
  • plant spinach and lettuce in cold frame
  • make apple butter
  • plant cover crop in garden
  • plant strawberries
  • store potted plant containers in garage
Putting your area frost date on your calender will help you to remember when to take plants inside too. I don't know about you, but I can use all the help that I can get!


Meggen said...

Emily - I noticed you have plant strawberries on your list. We are going to have to replant our strawberries next year because they have hit their 5th year and because they have become over-ridden with weeds. Can they be planted in the fall? Will this increase their yield in the spring? Love your tidbits of info!

Audrey said...

Great reminder! We're thinking of trying to plant a cover crop this year also but not exactly sure what works best, I would love to hear more about what you are planning on doing.