Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Drink to your health!

Have a sick kid on your hands? Feeling rotten yourself? Whip up a smoothie for a special treat! Clean out your fridge of extra fruit and steer toward fruits that are high in vitamin C. Add frozen berries, a little fruit juice, and you'll have a tasty, nutrient-dense smoothie in no time! I often do this for our daughter when she has a cold or isn't feeling well. It not only hydrates, but gives her the vitamins and antioxidents her body needs to fight off the crud! Stir in powdered or liquid vitamins too- the thick consistency of the smoothie will mask its texture! If your little one isn't eating well, you can add milk or yogurt for extra protein.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My kids LOVE smoothies! Our favorite: A large handful of ice, 1/2 cup frozen or fresh berries (strawberries, blueberries or blackberries), one banana, one small cup of Greek yogurt (vanilla or flavored of your choice), and a splash of orange juice (about a cup). Blend and enjoy! Practically a meal in itself and so healthy!
