Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Word About All That Money You've Saved...

Do you ever read this or other money-saving blogs and wonder what the person is doing with the money they've been saving? I have found that it is much easier and more fun to save money if the money saved has a purpose. Whether it's giving to a favorite charity or church, paying off personal debt, or saving for a new refrigerator, it's important to save with a goal in mind. When there is a specific purpose for your savings, it won't end up floating around in your bank account like a 30 year old who still lives with their parents! Put that money to work for something (or someone) good and give generously when you are blessed with extra. Feel free to leave a comment on what your saved money will go toward!


Anonymous said...

I've been selling various things around the house that I'm not using anymore on craigslist. The money from that will sponsor an orphan in India!

Anonymous said...

So true! I reserved saved money to fund an anniversary getaway with my honey. After 9 months of saving, we enjoyed an unforgetable long weekend together!

I also give a portion of the free or almost free groceries from super deals to our local foodbank.

Chris said...

I recently bought a used copy of a book at the local library for 50 cents, took it home read it in a few days, and sold it on Amazon for $12.99!

Laura said...

And Chris' saved money went to buy three new board games!!?

I don't keep track of "saved money" but like that I stay in my budget for groceries.