Monday, May 10, 2010

Seed storage

I have used a gallon-sized Ziploc bag for storing my seeds in the past. I have to say that it’s pretty frustrating to pull out a bulging bag of seed packets that are hopelessly jumbled up every spring. This year, I came up with a handy new way to store seeds and I have to say that I’m already loving it! Simply tuck your seed packets into a coupon organizer! You can label each section so that you can see where each group of seeds is located. No more digging through plastic bags! Sections can be labeled by spring, summer, and fall crops or by types of veggies. Now you can actually enjoy pulling out your neatly labeled and organized seed packets next fall or spring!


Unknown said...

Do you store your seeds in the refrigerator or freezer to keep out hot humid air?

Emily said...

I've never stored them in the fridge or freezer, although I've heard that many people do. It is more humid in the Tidewater area as opposed to this side of the state, but I think you can store them either way.