Monday, December 9, 2013

Tips for smart shopping at Christmas!

It seems like everywhere I go, folks are talking about spending less money this Christmas. Here are a few ways to ease the strain on the ol' gift budget:
  • Do a gift card "sweep". Collect all gift cards in your house and use those for buying gifts.
  • Sell the gift cards on ebay for cash.
  • Check out thrift stores and yard sales for gifts. Don't laugh, you can find brand new stuff!
  • Use credit card rewards points for cash or more gift cards.
  • Draw names for gift giving this year instead of buying each person a gift.
  • Shop online. Free shipping is a big deal- it costs about $6 in gas just for me to go to the mall!
  • Trade gift cards with a friend so you can shop your favorite stores.
  • Sell items you can do without on ebay and use the cash to buy gifts.

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