Thursday, April 25, 2013

Bananas for breakfast

Shake up the boring breakfast routine with a banana split! After devouring one yesterday, our oldest declared that "This was better than doughnuts!" and "I could eat 1000 of these!". This is coming from a child who rarely eats a large breakfast. So here's how you make it: spoon yogurt atop a banana (the whipped yogurt is fun to use here) and top with chopped fruit, granola, and toasted coconut. That's it!

* I recently discovered that coconut can be toasted in the microwave. No more burnt coconut and mess to clean up! To toast, place coconut in an even layer into a glass dish and microwave at 15-20 second intervals, stirring each time. It worked perfectly!


Jamie said...

I know this is going to be a hit at our house!

Leonora said...

Thanks! Breakfast is usually so boring around here.