Exhibit A: potatoes after sprouting under the sink
If you don't have a garden, plant them in buckets or trash cans. Did you know that a 20 gallon trash can can yield 20 pounds of potatoes? - For a 20 gallon trash can, 2 to 3 potatoes or potato pieces will suffice. Put the potatoes eye-side up in the container and cover lightly with potting medium, no deeper than two inches.
- When your potato plants gets about 4 to 6 inches tall, put more potting medium over it- totally bury it. Continue burying your potato plants until your container is full. When your potato plants turn brown, you may harvest the potatoes.
*If you love expensive varieties, such as fingerling potatoes, buy a bag of them at the store and sprout and plant them yourself. I did this last year with Peruvian blue and fingerlings from Kroger!